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Accessibility Policy

Effective Date: 2024-11-20
Reviewed: 2024-11-20
Leisure Days RV Group (“the Business”) is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. Our approach is guided by the principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equality of opportunity. We strive to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities in a timely manner by proactively addressing and preventing accessibility barriers in our services and facilities.
This policy outlines our commitments under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”) and the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (“IAS Regulation”). It applies to all Leisure Days RV Group locations and their employees, volunteers, and service providers.

Application and Scope

This policy applies to all dealerships and employees across the Leisure Days RV Group.
Definition of Disability
Under the AODA, a disability includes:

  • Physical disabilities, including impairments caused by injury, illness, or birth conditions.
  • Mental health conditions, developmental or learning disabilities.
  • Visual, auditory, or speech impairments.
  • Conditions qualifying under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997.

This policy will be reviewed and updated every five years or as needed to reflect legislative changes or organizational improvements.

Accessible Customer Service

We are committed to providing accessible customer service in compliance with AODA standards.
Assistive Devices
Customers with disabilities may use their personal assistive devices when accessing our goods, services, or facilities. Staff are trained to support the use of assistive devices available at our premises.
Service Animals
Service animals accompanying individuals with disabilities are welcome in areas open to the public. If an animal’s status is unclear, documentation from a regulated health professional may be requested. Where service animals are restricted by law, we will provide alternative measures to ensure access.
Support Persons
Customers accompanied by a support person will be allowed to have them present during service interactions. In rare cases where a support person is required for safety reasons, we will communicate this requirement and ensure the customer is informed.

Notice of Temporary Dispruptions

In the event of a temporary disruption to accessible services or facilities, the Business will provide notice as soon as possible. Notices will include:

  • The reason for the disruption.
  • Its anticipated duration.
  • Alternative arrangements or services, if available.

Notices will be posted at the affected location and on our website.


We provide accessibility training to all employees, volunteers, and anyone involved in creating policies or delivering services on behalf of the Business.
Training Content:

  • Purpose and requirements of the AODA and IAS Regulation.
  • The Ontario Human Rights Code as it relates to accessibility.
  • Customer interaction techniques for various disabilities.
  • Use of assistive devices, service animals, and support persons.
  • Steps to address accessibility barriers during service delivery.

Training is provided upon hiring and when policies are updated.

Information and Communication Standards

Accessible Formats and Communication Supports
Upon request, we will provide or arrange for accessible formats and communication supports for individuals with disabilities.

  • We will work with the individual to determine a suitable format or support.
  • Requests will be fulfilled in a timely manner at no additional cost.

Feedback Process
We ensure our feedback mechanisms are accessible. Feedback can be provided in the following ways:

Feedback will be reviewed within 10 business days, and actions will be taken as needed.
Emergency Information
Where public safety or emergency information is made available, we will provide this information in an accessible format or with appropriate communication supports upon request

Employment Standards

We are committed to ensuring our recruitment and employment practices are inclusive.

  • Applicants are informed that accommodations are available throughout the recruitment process.
  • Accommodations are provided upon request for interviews, assessments, and job-related processes.

Employee Support

  • Policies supporting employees with disabilities are communicated to all staff.
  • Accessible formats and communication supports are provided for job-related information upon request.

Performance Management and Career Development

  • Accessibility needs are considered during performance reviews, career development, and redeployment processes.

Workplace Emergency Response Plans
We provide individualized emergency response plans for employees with disabilities, tailored to their needs and reviewed periodically.

Accessibility Standards for Our Facilities

Leisure Days RV Group is committed to building and maintaining facilities that are accessible to all. We comply with the Design of Public Spaces Standards in newly constructed or renovated spaces.

Feedback and Contact Information

We welcome feedback on this policy and our accessibility practices. Feedback can be provided in-person, by phone, email, or mail.
Contact Information:

All feedback will be reviewed promptly, and appropriate action will be taken to address concerns.

Policy Review and Availability

This policy will be reviewed every five years or as necessary to reflect updates in legislation or business practices.
Upon request, this policy and other documents can be provided in accessible formats or with communication supports.